Entries by CHHS Research Assistants & Externs

Why Critical Infrastructure Sectors Should Provide Data to the Government during the CIRCIA Rulemaking Process

By CHHS Extern Jacquelyn Creitz More than one year ago, Colonial Pipeline, America’s largest fuel pipeline, which carries 100 million gallons of fuel a day, paid a ransom of nearly $5 million in cryptocurrency. The May 2021 cyberattack that led to the ransom caused Colonial Pipeline to stop operations for 5 days, creating mass fuel […]

Who is the WHO?

By CHHS Extern Meghan Howie Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, public entities which the public had previously rarely heard became commonplace. One of these is the World Health Organization. The WHO’s role in public health emergencies is commonly discussed- pulling together a global network of experts and governments to provide guidance and resources to address the […]

Supreme Court Blocks Vaccine Mandate: An Issue of Institutional Competence

By CHHS Extern Jenna Newman On September 9th, 2021, President Biden first announced the creation of a plan that would require a large number of Americans to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) then published the aforementioned vaccine mandate on November 5. The OSHA mandate required workers employed by businesses […]

The President’s Executive Order on Cybersecurity

By CHHS Extern Mike Rovetto A few weeks ago, multiple news agencies covered a memo President Biden’s administration released calling on private business entities to do more against the threat of ransomware and to “better understand [their] critical role”. While the President’s Executive Order is a good first step in fixing the nation’s cybersecurity problem, […]

Public Health Emergency Leads to the Need for Privacy Legislation

By CHHS Extern Nicole Fullem  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic healthcare systems were forced to move to a more remote environment and required to adopt telehealth services to bring care to patients.  The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) defines telehealth as “the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support and promote […]

HITECH Act Amendment and What It Means for Incentivizing Cybersecurity Safeguards

By CHHS Extern Emma Barbato Ransomware attacks on healthcare organizations were up 50% in the third quarter of 2020. Since 2016, ransomware attacks on healthcare organizations has cost the healthcare system around 157 million dollars.  Because  many ransomware attacks count as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations, all of this leads to a […]

Convalescent Plasma for Treating COVID-19

On August 23, 2020, the US-FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (“EUA”) allowing the off-label use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19, having concluded that the totality of evidence supported this use. An EUA allows for use of an unapproved therapeutic product by clinicians when needed during public health emergencies. The FDA granted the EUA based […]